Saturday, March 1, 2014

Tableau's Meteoric Rise into BI Magic Quadrant Leadership

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By improving on it's ability to execute, and clearly executing on its vision, Tableau has positioned itself as a leader in Gartner's BI Magic Quadraft for 2014.  What impresses me most is the path in which the software maker has taken to get here.  

Pivotstream put together a nice animated visualization on the past 5 years history of movement within the Magic Quadrant.   Analyzing quadrant movement of all of the players in the leaders quadrant between 2010 and 2014, only Tableau had a curve that suggests progress in both its ability to execute and its completeness of vision.  It took a huge leap between 2010 and 2011 in its capabilities in advance of it's 2013 IPO, and since then have focused on delivering on it's mission to help people see and understand.  

I find Tableau to be a simple tool for analyzing data quickly, and see it as a perfect component for any self-service visualization platform for both individuals and the enterprise. Obviously, I'm not the only one who is convinced.

Finally Ramping Up

OK, I've put it off long enough, and now's the time to officially make the blogger leap.  Data speaks to me.  No, I'm not insane (not clinically anyway), but yes it really does speak to me. Sometimes it's so loud; however, that it needs to be tamed. Going forward I will use this space as a forum to demonstrate how I personally tame the data beast. 

I'm a sucker for a good visualization... After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, right?